Saturday, July 13, 2013

It had been a while!

So it has definitely been a while!  I have been just do overwhelmed and overloaded with work (when I had it), school full time, and now I am home all day every day for summer with kids (and Dr appointments every week for Trevor) and interviewing for jobs (I have had 4 interviews so far. And one Tuesday).

but in June I ran the Rock n roll half marathon!  Here are some pix from it.

After the race!

Right beforethe race



Running down a hill

Monday, May 6, 2013


I realized in the February post I mentioned the measurements being done and posting them in a later post, but then I never posted after that...

here are all my measurements for the year 2013... definitely have room for improvement, and you can see my faltering in there...

..........Jan 1st.....Feb 2nd.........March 4.........April 1st....May 6th
Bust: 43 -------------41.75.............41.75..............41.5....... 42.5
Chest: 38-----------36.75...........38..............37.5...........37.75
Waist: 38.5----------36.5............36.75..............36........37
Hips: 47 -------------46.75...............47.............47............47
Thighs: 23 ----------22.75...........22.5............22.25.......22.25
R calf: 18.75--------18.5.............18.75..............18.5.....18.5
L calf: 17.5---------17.5..............17.5...............18.25....17.25
Bicep: 13-----------13.................13...............13........... 13
Neck:    14.25-------14.25............14...............13.75....... 13.75

But, here are my numbers from 2012, so I do have some good improvement in this area:
Bust--- 50.5"----same----49.25"---46.25"--44.75"---44"------43"-------same
Chest-- 48"------46.5"-----44.75"---43"------41"-----40.5"---38.5"-------38"
Waist- 50"------49.5"------45.25"---44"------43"-----same----39.5"-----38.75"
Hips--- 60"------same--------57"---55.75"---53"-----51.5"---49.5"-------48.75"
Thighs- 32"-----same------- 31"----29.5"-----26.5"----25"------24"--------same
R Calf-21.5" ----21"---------20"-----19"------same---same---same--------same
L Calf--20"------same------19.25"--18.5"-----same----18"-----17.5"----- 18"
bicep--14.25"--same-------same---same------14.5"----14"------13"----- 13.25"
Forearm-12.5"--12.25"---same-----11.5"-----11.25"---11"-----same----- 10.75"
Neck ---16.5"---16"------15.25"----15"------same-----14.5"---14.25"-----14.25"

So... since June here are my losses:

Bust: 8"
Chest: 10.25''
Hips 13"
Thighs: 9.75"
R. Calf: 3.5"
L. Calf: 2.75"
Bicep: 1.25"
Forearm: 2.25"
Neck: 2.75"

update 5/6/2013

Wow, it has definitely been a while since I posted here! 

Honestly, not much of an update, but wanted to post that it wasn't forgotten about!  I have just been so crazy busy that I haven't had much time to think about posting here, especially when I have been stuck in a rut.  I have not been able to move past where I am at now, which is the weight I have been since January... I have been bouncing back and forth in the past 10 pound range it seems (I got down to 205 when I got sick, but back up to 215 afterwards...) and just bounce between 212-215 for the past couple months.  My measurements have stopped shrinking, which is definitely not what I want either...  But it just seems like I can't get over it, and I ruin it for myself.  I make poor choices.

I have been thinking about it, and I think I have it figured out, as silly as it sounds... I think I am afraid to GET to goal, or even get below 200...  When I started getting close, I got excited, and nervous, because it is almost like a threshold of feeling "You BETTER not ever get over that again"... and then the fear of well I might gain back again... and what happens if I do, I will be so upset and mad, I know I can't keep it off so why bother pushing to get to the lower if I won't be able to sustain it... and then I creep back up a couple pounds, i catch it, and the cycle continues...

I have less than one month til my half marathon.  I am getting pretty excited about it, and nervous.  I pushed and got to 8 miles run on the treadmill on Saturday.  That is the longest trek I have done (which is still 5 miles shy of a half marathon!).  I plan on getting 2 more longer distance runs in before the half (a 9 mile and 10 mile hopefully!) hopefully outside since the Rock N Roll half is done outside! 

Donny broke his foot at work so I am up and going after the kids more, and between doing the driving now (since he broke his right foot), chasing the kids, all the appointments, it is going to be a busy busy time for me.  I have the blogger app on my phone, so I will try to get back on it and post more often...  I just feel like I didn't do anything pertinent to update, I have been failing so to speak with not keeping up fitness wise with everything, and didn't want to admit to it, even though I need to get it out, because hopefully be getting it out there, i will be able to talk to someone about everything and find a way to break this pattern and get to a healthy standard of living for myself.

Well, if you have any questions post away!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Check in

OK so I haven't been on a lot. A lot happening! First I am struggling breathing wise with my goal for half marathon I'm June. I went to my primary care and I had a pulmonary function test and today an echo cardiogram done of my heart (with this Dr recommending a stress test). I still have been trying to keep pace with going to the gym. I will do the treadmill for 30-60 minutes as well as some weights and other exercises. My jogging pace has gone from over 18 minutes per mile to hitting 14 miles per minute and under.  I did measurements but that will another time to share. I feel like falling asleep!

Putting a couple pix of now :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January 16th

Well I didn't get my time in yesterday but I did today!  If you recall, a goal set at the beginning of the year was to run a half marathon with the rock n roll marathon in June. Well here i did 60 minutes!

Monday, January 14, 2013

January 5th-14th

Whoops!  My bad!  I definitely fell off the bandwagon in my "daily post challenge" of my fitness for the day. Well let me go ahead and post from the past week :-)

14th-Today: I went to the gym tonight and did an ab class and an hour Zumba class.

Jan 13th: went for a run at six am. 30 minutes 1.63 miles :)

January 12: did 30 minutes cardio and an hour body pump class

January 10th-:family walk 1.75 miles 51 minutes

January 8th- family walk 1.5 mile in 47 minutes

January 7th- family walk 1.79 miles 52 minutes

I will try to post earlier! Tomorrow will be a busy day. Honestly not sure if I will get to gym or not. We will have to see.  Have a great night!

Friday, January 4, 2013

January 4th :)

Alright Another day! This morning I took my two boys for a walk with my two nieces visiting us from Oregon.  Pushing stroller my app says we walked 1.45 miles in 42 minutes and burned 278 calories. Again not the most burn so to speak but any exercise is good exercise.

On side note, I go to doctor on Tuesday to see if there is another medicine I can take to help my asthma.  I can do elliptical fine but when I try to run on treadmill I feel like my lungs are collapsing in and I can't breathe. I always was fine with albuterol inhaler before but it isn't helping anymore.  Hopefully there is something else I can use!

January 3rd

Alright did another day :) did 31 minutes on the treadmill at the gym. On a different machine than normal but still done!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January 2nd!

Woohoo I remembered to do day 2!  Today was a family walk :) pushing the stroller did 52 minutes and 1.68 miles. We also stopped in there for a 7-11 run (so a couple minutes less really) on the walk :). Not the most or best work out but it was something :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Jan 1st 2013

So not a big post today for exercise but not much done either. Went to airport and parked in different terminal, about 10 minute walk each way. Went up and down the stairs instead of escalator as well for a bit a work out as well :)


Well I did my measurements a little early (we as a group I do it with generally do it on the first Monday of the month but I went ahead and did it today to begin January 1st off right.

Bust: 43 same
Chest: 38 same
Waist: 38.5 (down .25)
Hips:47 (down 1.75)
Thighs: 23 (down 1)
R calf: 18.75 (down .25)
L calf: 17.5 ( down .5)
Bicep: 13 (down .25)
Forearm: 10.5 (down .25)
Neck:  same.

down 5.75 inches from Dec 4 and overall down 72.25!

Pretty good if I say so myself :)  wish I saw drop in bust but hey I will take it. This is first drop on right calf in a few months

I may be posting more frequently. Like one of my goals this year is to do the half marathon I found out about a blog challenge where you post what you do for running each day. So I will be attempting it :). So until the post this evening I bid you farewell!

Here is to leave with u a few pictures :)