Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Thoughts from Psychologist visit

So, I thought today would be a good time to go over the experience with the therapist I was required to visit.  I did not get to go to the gym after work today...  My 2 year old got sick at daycare so when I got off work I went and picked up the baby from daycare (my husband picked up the 2 year old and took him home) and came home.

So, I thought while I am on the 'blog kick' so to speak and actually thinking about wanting to post, I thought i would go over some of the things discussed in the therapy session.  Sorry if this is all over the place or if something doesn't make sense...  Just sort of typing as it comes to my mind.  If something doesn't make sense please post comment and ask a question, because if you are wondering it there is a good possibility someone else is wondering the same thing. 

Ok, so when I contacted the insurance, they let me know who I needed to contact for a bariatric psychologist.  The very first requirement was that it could NOT be a regular therapist, but an actual registered Therapist (meaning they are a doctor basically).  So at my first appointment, the therapist informs me that we would do 4 appointments to really be able to go over everything.  First appointment we went over my past, eating habits, and discussed the things that led me to where I am.  The second appointment we discussed the surgery, the motivation for the surgery and discussing support systems.  She also mentioned that she felt I was only going to need 3 sessions since I seemed pretty well on target :)  The third session was about post surgery plans, family life, and just discussing the last details.

It was interesting talking to her about my motivations for the surgery, what I had done to get forward for the surgery, and just discussing plans.  For motivation, I have my kids...  I want to be there for them for the rest of my life and be there so that I can be with them as they get older and also see their children one day.  I want to be actively involved in their lives and be able to go hiking, take them to the park, and just be able to be there for them pretty much.  That is what is important to me. 

So, now I am still just waiting for that phone call!

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