Sunday, April 22, 2012

First day of my "Blog"

OK, well I guess I should introduce myself if you have stumbled upon this... I am honestly not sure how far or long I will go with the blog, however it is a start for me, and a chance to keep myself accountable for what is happening in my life.  I will try to update at least 2 times a week, if not more.  If I forget to update (atleast on Mondays when I weigh in!) then please let me know as it may be that I forgot (which is likely) or that I am trying to 'hide' what has shown on the scale and I do need to be accountable for it! I hope this helps those of you that are struggling, and this might be different than what some people think, but here goes nothing.

My name is Ashley.  I am happily (mostly haha) married to a wonderful husband who has given me the opportunity to be a mother to 2 young boys (as of right now, one is 2 and 1/2, the other is 6 months).  While I am mostly happy with where I am at with my life as of right now, there is one thing that I am not happy about and that is my weight.  My weight has been something that has always fluctuated ever since I was a kid. I was a big kid (my mom always told me I started gaining weight after I had my tonsils removed when I was 7) but still happy.  I played tennis (including varsity) which shows while I was obese, I still could participate in day to day activities.

If I were to really think about my weight, and admit to it in a public location such as this, I could see the pattern of where it went up and down.  So, since I am going 'balls out' I guess I will lay it all out on the floor and leave it here, as this is the stepping stones for me to move past where I am and onward to a better life.  So, here is a 'basic' idea of my weight at different periods of my life:

June 2004- 230 pounds (graduated from High School)
June 2005- 250 pounds(After first year of college)
September 2008- 285 pounds
January 2009- 270 pounds
June 2009- 280 pounds
September 2009- 315 pounds (birth of 1st son)
September 2010- 298 pounds (start of 6 month monitored program)
March 2011- 281 pounds (end of 6 month monitored program)
March 2011- 290 pounds (hospitalized, unable to exercise for 1 month)
April 2011- First OB appointment- 291 pounds
October 2011- Birth of 2nd son- 294 pounds
January 2012- 280 pounds
April 22, 2012- 302 pounds

So, as you can see, I go through many ups and downs... and I am SO mad at myself for this last big jump up that I had.  So now I am recommited and plan on going down from this point onward. 

My next entry (which I will do up right after publishing this) will be all about what I am doing to pursue this new plan...

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