Monday, December 10, 2012

3 weeks til the start of a new year! and measurements

Well, its been a while so I thought I would do a big post.  I am currently sitting at 219.6 pounds  While it is not the number i was hoping for, if I look at it since May 14th, I am currently down 95.6 pounds and since surgery I am down 77.4 (in a little under 6 months)... I am not getting to my goal I had originally set for myself I believe (since it would require a little less than a pound a DAY until the new year to get to under 200 by 1/1/13), I still feel great about the way I look and feel.

Well, lets get this started:  Measurements.  Here is an update for my measurements lately: 

Bust--- 50.5"----same----49.25"---46.25"--44.75"---44"------43"-------same
Chest-- 48"------46.5"-----44.75"---43"------41"-----40.5"---38.5"-------38"
Waist- 50"------49.5"------45.25"---44"------43"-----same----39.5"-----38.75"
Hips--- 60"------same--------57"---55.75"---53"-----51.5"---49.5"-------48.75"
Thighs- 32"-----same------- 31"----29.5"-----26.5"----25"------24"--------same
R Calf-21.5" ----21"---------20"-----19"------same---same---same--------same
L Calf--20"------same------19.25"--18.5"-----same----18"-----17.5"----- 18"
bicep--14.25"--same-------same---same------14.5"----14"------13"----- 13.25"
Forearm-12.5"--12.25"---same-----11.5"-----11.25"---11"-----same----- 10.75"
Neck ---16.5"---16"------15.25"----15"------same-----14.5"---14.25"-----14.25"

total inches lost from June 4 to Dec 4th: 66.5 inches lost

So not a SPECTACULAR month (as i had a increase in bicep and waist slightly this month) but still overall down.

I am now able to wear 14/16 shirts comfortably and 14s in pants/slacks/shorts, 16's in jeans...  The jeans is going to be a 'sticky' point for me I think.  I had severe blood clotting problems in 2011 that sent me to the hospital for over a week and also left me with stretched out veins in my right leg that try as I might are most likely not going to completely return to normal.  This is why I measure both my right leg and my left leg for my calf.  Back in June of 2011 my right calf measured at 4.5 inches larger than my left... yes 4.5 inches.  I wore compression stockings for the summer wearing long pants, and into the fall as well.  At least now when I started in June 2012 I was down to a difference of 1.5 inches, and currently they are only an inch a part.  HOWEVER when trying on jeans a couple weeks ago, I found that I couldn't put on the 14s because it was too tight around my right calf trying to bring the pants up.   It was tight around my calf on the 16s with one style (I don't remember the style) and could only wear it as 18s but they swam around my waste then.  So I found that if I wear 'boot cut' straight leg style I can wear the 16s without it being too tight on my leg.  I think that will be a disappointment if I struggle with size not because of my waste for some of it but for my one leg that is bigger than the other.  Hopefully it will continue to shrink down and eventually equal out (or get within .5 an inch)

Alright, well I am going to post one more update but in a different thread as it is a bit off topic and figure I should put it separate.