Monday, August 6, 2012

Losses by the numbers

Alright, I said I would update on friday, whoops!  So here is a little bit later but still lots of information.  Today I am officially 6 weeks out.  Here are my numbers from weigh ins with each of these weeks :)

Day 1 of new life (hospital weight 6/25/2012)  297

July 2nd-- W1: 278.6(-18.4) 
July 9th-- W2: 272.2(-6.4)
July 16th--W3: 272.0(-.2) 
July 23rd--W4- 272.8(+.8) 
July 30th--W5: 268.2(-4.6 lb) 
Aug 6th---W6: 262.4(-5.8 )

Overall it is a loss of 34.6 pounds in 6 weeks.  This is from surgery.  My highest weight is 315 (that i know of, perhaps it was even once above that)...  When I started book camp on May 12th I weighed in at 312...  So I am pretty happy overall with my weight loss throughout this journey.  On June 11th I started the pre-op diet and weighed 306.

So, the other thing I 'promised' was the measurements.  I measured on August 3rd and here are the measurements from the last few times and the 3rds :)

Area.........June 4..............June 12...............July 2nd.............August 3rd 
Bust-------- 50.5"-----------same---------------49.25"-------------46.25"
Chest-------- 48"------------46.5"---------------44.75"------------43"

Waist-------- 50"------------49.5"---------------45.25"------------44"
Hips---------- 60"-----------same----------------57"----------------55.75"
Thighs ------- 32"-----------same--------------- 31"----------------29.5"
R Calf-------- 21.5" ----------21"---------------20"-----------------19"
L Calf---------20"------------same--------------19.25"-------------18.5"
bicep-------- - 14.25"--------same--------------same---------------same
For arm ----- 12.5"----------12.25"-------------same--------------11.5"
Neck ---------16.5"-----------16"----------------15.25"-------------15"
TOTAL LOSSES as of now :)
Bust- down 4.25"
Chest- down 5"
Waist- down 6"
Hips- down 4.25"
Thighs- down 2.5"
R Calf- down 2.5"
L Calf- down 1.5"
Bicep- same
Forearm- down 1"
Neck- down 1.5"
Overall inches lost in 2 months:  Down 32 inches from my body :) 
Alrighty, well I think thats enough for now, lots to process.  So hope you enjoyed seeing the progress by numbers!  Next post I will see about adding some photos to show differences :)


  1. Just for a bit of perspective, when MamaX3+1 was 32 weeks w/ triplets, her belly was 60 inches around.

    And your hips have shrunk a LOT in such a short time. Soon you'll be like Persnickety Ticker, who stood up recently, and her favorite pair of shorts fell to her ankles.
    You're doing awesome!
