Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day three post op!!

Doing good!  Had some reaction to general anesthesia on monday so i was in recovery for little more than three hours versus normal one hour. Had lots of anti nausea meds (threw up twice without having anything. But now going great. Got to go home tuesday :)

Since monday with sleeve to today i am actually down 9 lbs already!  I am not quite getting 64 oz in (yesterday i had 26 oz od propel, 3/4 cup od broth and sf jello cup ) but will slowly build up to it. Today i tried cream of wheat (yuck) but after one taste went back to sf jello lol been walking walking walking!  Trying to follow everything that is allowed and taking care of myself :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Post op day one

I am going home :)

I will post more later tonight if I am feeling up to it.

Been pretty sore and tired with nausea and vomiting as well. But I wanted to get on here and say that the surgery went well and I'm ready to go home

Monday, June 25, 2012

Here we go- surgery in 2.5 hours

I am sitting in the waiting room at hospital waiting for the nurse to come pick me up.  This is really it. I will be escorted to the SPA (surgical procedure something lol) then to OR for the surgery at 1030. I will update when i can!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Night Before

So my surgery is tomorrow. I have been really excited and gung ho about it. However today hearing a bit of negativity about it makes me question it, even though i know that I am going to do it, I feel its my time, you know? I was talking with my husband and earlier one of his immediate family members (and one I really care about ) had been talking with him how she isn't comfortable with me doing this, thinks I shouldn't and told him how I have been losing weight on protein shakes, that it is noticable, and that I should just stick it out so to speak... The thing is I know me, and i know that I always bounce back and forth... Today has been a true struggle to keep on liquid diet because of surgery tomorrow... For my 'healthy meal' I am trying to make good choices, but I know I haven't, I know that I made mistakes. This tool, with the surgery, will help me conquer my struggle and give me that boost for the opportunity.

Relative of DH said she talked to some of the other teachers at the school we worked at and said how they were telling her that I shouldn't do this, its not necessary, etc... I guess that just weighs on my mind that maybe I could, all these people believe that I can do it... maybe I can, even if I think i can't.

I know this might be scattered a bit (I definitely feel like this post is all over the place) but just wanted to put into writing about this... response or not, I know that there might not be anything to be said, just wanted to share kinda what I am going through night before surgery...

 I will still be doing this, because I still feel like I am meant to do this, but its hard hearing these people say you can do it without the tool of the surgery

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

4 more days- About the Surgery and fears in General

4 more days until a new leaf turns over in my life.  I am as ready as I will ever be.  I am not necessarily nervous about the surgery in general, my thoughts are on the post op recovery.

Here is a bit of a story for background about why I have what fear I do of post op:
 For those of you who may or may not be aware (it was before this blog), in March 2011 I was hospitalized after having been told for 3-4 weeks that I had plantar fascilitis, then tendonitis and just needed to 'suck it up' with my foot hurting..then calf, then knee and leg....  Well I was hospitalized after going to the ER when I noticed that my leg was swollen and slightly red and pain was all the way up my leg completely.  A simple ultrasound (which was ordered in Urgent care 9 days previous, however my PCP needed to authorize it and he stated it was not necessary in treatment of tendonitis) showed that my full right leg was blocked with blood clots.  The way the ultrasound tech described it was that "the freeway, off ramps, side streets, and dirt paths were all blocked with no passage at ALL"...  The clotting went past the area that the ultrasound could see... After a chest scan was done, it was found that the clotting had broken off and gone into my lungs.  I was at the hospital from Thursday Morning til Thursday night the next week.
On the Sunday a vascular surgeon came in and recommended IVC Filter insertion.  Sunday I had Venography done (where they go in, thread something through the vein in leg as far as they can sending a dye in to xray to see extent of damage) and the filter implanted... Monday venography and tuesday venography to determine the progress of the bloodthinners and medication on breaking up the blood clots.  I was on Heparin, Coumaden, Lovanox (all blood thinners), as well as the pain medication Dilaudid (which from my research afterwards come to find that it is '6-8 times stronger than morphine' for pain relief as the clots in my lungs were breaking apart with the assistance of the blood thinners.  I couldn't breath, complete pain...  That is the one thing that scares the crud out of me... having to relive that.  I just remember on Friday night into Saturday morning spending the night crying in so much pain, not able to move, just crying.  They gave me another dose of the pain meds a bit sooner and a bit more than what I had been receiving and then had to have a nurse stay in the room because of how low my blood pressure had dropped and because I became very sluggish with difficulty breathing, if you could imagine...  I can vividly remember much of this time and wouldn't wish this upon ANYONE...  and this is what I fear.

That is the one thing that the surgery has scared me with... the risk for blood clots post-op.   I had to meet with my vascular surgeon to see if a IVC filter (which would help prevent any clotting from reaching my lungs again) would be necessary prior to the surgery ( I had a temporary one inserted previously that was only allowed in for 30 days, so that was removed in april of 2011) which he said no.  The bariatric surgeon has already stated that I will be given Lovenox (blood thinner) previous to the surgery and will have compression stockings on my legs to ensure that blood is being moved throughout my legs during the surgery and whenever I am NOT walking (it will be compressing and decompressing on my calves at different intervals).  This is all to be preventative to blood clots. Still, that is what I worry about.

Now, I have been thinking about this, and I realize that while I have used the general terms there are some people on here who might not know exactly what the 'sleeve' surgery is.  It is one of the newest ones in that there isn't the long term data like the other bariatric surgeries, however the 5 year studies have shown that it likens to the RNY (regular, well known bariatric surgery known as the 'gastric bypass surgery'.) in results.  The lapband has an average of 50% EWL (expected Weight loss), the Sleeve 60-70%, the the RNY 70-80%.  These are not diffinitive.  There are people, pending on their changes in habits, that are at 20% of their weight lost, while others (my motivation) are 100% or more where they even surpass their goal. 

The sleeve, in most basic discussion, is a removal of about 85% of the stomach.  The surgeon will go in and cut about 85% of my stomach away from the other portion.  He will then staple seal the stomach remaining closed (a 3-4 oz pouch, shaped like a banana so to speak) and remove the larger portion.  in the 85% of the stomach includes the portion of the stomach that sends the hunger cues to your mind telling you to eat.  Also, the shape of your stomach currently has a larger opening at the top, so to get that 'full' feeling you almost end up over eating to fill that void.  With that portion removed, the 'full' feeling happens almost immediately, as there isn't a large opening at the top of the stomach.    If anyone ever has ANY questions, please leave them or message me and I will be more than happy to answer anything that I can.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Dropped down a level on the scale :-) below 300. Since lost Saturday lost 6 lbs on liquid diet and now weigh 298. That is inspiration to be able to keep up the liquid diet one more week before surgery.

T - 9 days til surgery

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

liquid diet day 3 and pre-op class

Well, had my pre-op class... some of the info from the class:
I can go to the gym if I feel up to it within a few days after surgery for cardio/walking.  First 5-6 days pick up less than 15 pounds, after that pick up up to 50 pounds, as long as comfortable.

Diet immediately after surgery:
Day of surgery-only ice chips and water
stage 1:
day 1 post op- clear fluids
day 3 post op- full fluids for 2 weeks

Stage 2:
2 weeks post op- mushy food

Stage 3:
3-4 weeks post op: regular food small bites

Can go on rides etc at sea world as log as comfortable.  He said 'no pain no gain' isn't the slogan, and just do what I want but if hurts slow down. 

Biggest thing I guess is that someone asked about weight loss and the nutritionist said that at 1 month post op she would expect us to be at -10% EBW lost...  that for me is 15 pounds.  I really hope to have lost more  than 15 pounds to be honest!  then said each month after is generally 5-10 pounds lost... and again i hope to lose between 10-15 pounds for a few months...  hmm we will have to see.

Oh and BTW, this liquid diet isn't really fun lol.  A struggle but working my way though it.   My husband is supportive and there with me (he even went today to the class, only non-patient there, three of us patients all having surgery the same day were in the class) so I know I can do it. 

A chart about how my weight loss MIGHT play out if everything follows a curve or trend. 

possible loss of
153 lbs after surgery

excess weight you
might keep is 0 lbs

your ideal weight
is 151 lbs




















Month 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Wt. Loss 0 31 61 76 84 92 99 107 115 122 132 138 145 150 153 150 153 151 153
BMI 46.2 41.5 36.9 34.7 33.5 32.2 31.2 30.0 28.7 27.7 26.2 25.2 24.2 23.4 23.0 23.4 23.0 23.3 23.0

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Two weeks til surgery

Well i am in the home stretch it feels like!  I start pre op diet in the morning.  2 weeks of liquid diet and then its surgery day!  Allowed 1 meal a day as long as its 400 calories or less. 

I see the  orthopedic surgeon tomorrow morning and will hopefully get some answers to my knee pain.

I have been continuing boot camp at the gym and has lost 2 pounds since last week.   Overall I have lost 8 pounds in 5 weeks.  Not the best but at least it's a loss

I am hoping to lose at least 10 pounds before surgery. With liquid diet I should be able to reach the goal.

Next two weeks will be a challenge but I will face it head on!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

18 days and counting

So my little countdown shows that I am at 18 days til surgery.  Getting all the appointments settled and paperwork ready to go for final stretch.  Donny has put in for 2 days off through FMLA (filled out part of the paperwork, dr. needs to fill out rest)... One for the Pre-op appointment next week and one day for the actual day of surgery.  My mom is off the Monday and Tuesday of the week I have surgery, works w-f, and will be off the next week... then donny is off for his vacation week the week after that.  So I will have help here at the house (plus in laws are off for summer/retired, and with us living there can get help too)...

This week I have to get my blood test done.  I was going to do it today but when I was going over they were closed for their hour lunch break.  I work all day on Thursday, so I will try to go on Friday.  Monday at 8 am I have appointment for my knee with the orthopedic surgeon.  Wednesday is my pre-op appointment at 10 am.  Monday also starts my pre-op diet for 3 liquid meals a day and 1 'healthy' meal a day... this will result in 1000 calories a day basically.

I have been continuing C25K.  I finished week 4, and now I am working on week 5 of C25K, and I already repeated day 1 two times, and I imagine I will repeat it a few more tiems.  But I will continue because I have a drive and ambition to work through it and try to complete at least week 5 prior to the surgery.  I am hoping I can get into week six, but I want to at least finish week 5 :)